Building an organized knowledge base: Concept mapping
and achievement in secondary school physics
by Pankratius, William John, Ph.D., Georgia State University - College of Education, 1987 , 120 pages; AAT 8808103
Purpose. The improvement of problem solving among high school physics students was the aim of this study. A review of the research indicated that direct teaching of problem solving methods had met with little success. Expert problem solving depended upon an organized knowledge base. The concept map was found to be a key to organizing an effective knowledge base. The investigation of the effect of the degree of concept mapping on achievement was the purpose of this dissertation.
Methods and procedures. Six intact high school physics classes, taught by this investigator, took part in the study. Two classes were control groups and received standard instruction. Four classes received six weeks of concept mapping instruction prior to the unit under study. Two of these four classes were the low level treatment group and were required to submit concept maps at the conclusion of the instruction. The other two classes were the high level treatment group and were required to submit concept maps at the beginning and at the conclusion of the unit under study. One class from each treatment group took a pretest prior to instruction.
A factorial analysis of variance of the posttest results was performed to determine if any pretest-posttest interaction was present. A one-way analysis of covariance of the posttest scores was performed to determine treatment effects. The Scholastic Achievement Test Math (SATM) score was the covariant. Single-df comparisons of the adjusted treatment means were performed to determine the effectiveness of the degree of concept mapping.
Results. An analysis of the posttest results revealed no pretest sensitization. A one-way analysis of covariance indicated a significant main effect at the p $<$.05 level. A pair of single-df comparisons of the adjusted treatment means resulted in significant differences (p $<$.05) between the control group and the average of the treatment means as well as between the two experimental groups.
Conclusion. It can be concluded that for this sample (upper middle class high school physics students) mapping concepts prior to, during, and subsequent to instruction led to greater achievement as measured by posttest scores.
Methods and procedures. Six intact high school physics classes, taught by this investigator, took part in the study. Two classes were control groups and received standard instruction. Four classes received six weeks of concept mapping instruction prior to the unit under study. Two of these four classes were the low level treatment group and were required to submit concept maps at the conclusion of the instruction. The other two classes were the high level treatment group and were required to submit concept maps at the beginning and at the conclusion of the unit under study. One class from each treatment group took a pretest prior to instruction.
A factorial analysis of variance of the posttest results was performed to determine if any pretest-posttest interaction was present. A one-way analysis of covariance of the posttest scores was performed to determine treatment effects. The Scholastic Achievement Test Math (SATM) score was the covariant. Single-df comparisons of the adjusted treatment means were performed to determine the effectiveness of the degree of concept mapping.
Results. An analysis of the posttest results revealed no pretest sensitization. A one-way analysis of covariance indicated a significant main effect at the p $<$.05 level. A pair of single-df comparisons of the adjusted treatment means resulted in significant differences (p $<$.05) between the control group and the average of the treatment means as well as between the two experimental groups.
Conclusion. It can be concluded that for this sample (upper middle class high school physics students) mapping concepts prior to, during, and subsequent to instruction led to greater achievement as measured by posttest scores.
Indexing (document details)
Lucy, Edward C.
Georgia State University - College of Education
School Location:
United States -- Georgia
DAI-A 49/03, p. 474, Sep 1988
Source type:
Science education, Secondary education
Publication Number:
AAT 8808103
Document URL:
fixURL("wrapURL2", '')
ProQuest document ID:
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